Sarah Butler

Sarah Butler
Sarah is the Marketing Manager at the NGIS Australia Group. The group consists of location focused companies including NGIS Australia, Winyama, Liveli and EO Data Science.
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Recent Posts

22nd January 2020

EO community shares #GEEImpact initiatives

The earth observations community is getting behind an online campaign to share their favourite Google Earth Engine initiatives. The campaign, which requires users to use the hashtag #GEEImpact,.

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7th November 2019

A force for good with GEO and Google Earth Program

This year the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) member countries and other distinguished delegates descended upon Canberra for the 2019 GEO Week Ministerial Summit.

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31st October 2019

Geo for Good: Our time in California

From the 16th - 17th September 2019, Nathan Eaton and Sam Atkinson from NGIS attended the Geo for Good summit in Sunnyvale, California. The Summit, hosted by Google Earth Outreach, gathered.

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